Monday, November 1, 2010

Exciting News

Hello Girls,
I have some exciting news to share and it couldn't wait till our next meeting. Do you remember when Jason Goh, our missionary from Thailand, came and spoke to us?  He touched my heart with his stories of the Burmese children who are refugees in Thailand.  So, taking a big step, I decided to sponsor one of the children.  I'm so excited because today Jason sent me a picture and information about the child God paired me with!  Her name is Mine Mine.
Isn't she adorable?!  She's 5 years old. She loves the color pink, rope skipping and enjoys apples and chicken soup.  She wants to be a teacher when she grows up.  Isn't that neat?  I'm so excited!  She drew a picture and wrote a note too.  It's so cute!
Thanks for letting me indulge and share this piece of news with you!